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How To Show The Selected Variant Images Only 2024 - Free Tutorial
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How To Show The Selected Variant Images Only 2024 - Free Tutorial

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If you have multiple images along with multiple variants, your product media may be confusing to your customers. With this customization, we filter out images so that only the selected variant images are shown.

Compatible Themes: This code should work on all free Shopify themes (Dawn, Refresh, Craft, Studio, Publisher, Crave, Origin, Taste, Colorblock, Sense, Ride, Spotlight). Not compatible with v14.0.0 and above



Create Metafields

Create Product Metafield to handle product exceptions

NOTE: This step was accidentally omitted from the video, but is an important feature if you have products that you want the default behavior to run, ie. showing all product images with no image grouping filtering. If this is what you want, then set this metafield for those products to TRUE.

  • Create the following product metafield:
    • Name: Disable Image Grouping
    • Type: True or false

When a product has this metafield set to TRUE, then the code will not run on these products, resulting in the default (non-customized) behavior.

Edit Theme Code

Add settings to the Theme Editor

Add schema settings to main-product.liquid

      "type": "header",
      "content": "Selected Variant Image Grouping"
      "type": "checkbox",
      "id": "group_variants_enable",
      "default": false,
      "label": "Only Show Selected Variant Images"
      "type": "select",
      "id": "group_variants_source",
      "options": [
          "value": "metafield",
          "label": "Metafield"
          "value": "filename",
          "label": "Filename"
          "value": "alttext",
          "label": "Alt Text"
      "default": "metafield",
      "label": "Source reference for grouping variant images "
      "type": "text",
      "id": "variant_grouping_delimiter",
      "label": "Variant Split Delimiter",
      "default": "__",
      "info": "Character or group of characters used to separate file name or alt text to extract the variant grouping reference name."
      "type": "range",
      "id": "variant_grouping_position",
      "label": "Variant Name Position",
      "default": 1,
      "min": 1,
      "max": 5,
      "info": "Position of the variant grouping reference name after filename or alt text has been separated by the delimiter. Must be consistent across all filenames or alt text."

Add variant image grouping filter logic to product-media-gallery.liquid

Add variable assignment and css near top of the file

{% assign variant_grouping_position = section.settings.variant_grouping_position | minus: 1 %}
{% assign variant_image_groupings = product.metafields.custom.variant_images_grouping_list.value %}

  .hide-image:not(.is-active) {
    display: none;
  .product-media-modal__content .hide-image:not(.is-active) {
    display: none;

Add the following data attributes to the <media-gallery> tag (NOTE: this step was accidentally omitted from the video)

  data-group-variants="{{ section.settings.group_variants_enable }}"
  data-has-only-default-variant="{{ product.has_only_default_variant }}"
  data-disable-image-grouping="{{ product.metafields.custom.disable_image_grouping.value }}"

For example, after adding the attributes, it can look like this:

  id="MediaGallery-{{ }}{{ id_append }}"
  {% if section.settings.enable_sticky_info %}
  {% endif %}
  aria-label="{{ '' | t }}"
  data-desktop-layout="{{ section.settings.gallery_layout }}"
  data-group-variants="{{ section.settings.group_variants_enable }}"
  data-has-only-default-variant="{{ product.has_only_default_variant }}"
  data-disable-image-grouping="{{ product.metafields.custom.disable_image_grouping.value }}"

Note: the code below for product-media-gallery.liquid will be added twice - once for stacked/2 columns and once for thumbnails/thumbnail carousel

Paste the following code for the featured variant image

{% if section.settings.group_variants_enable and product.has_only_default_variant != true and product.metafields.custom.disable_image_grouping.value != true %}   
  {% if section.settings.group_variants_source == "metafield" %}     
    {%- assign variant_grouping_name = nil -%}
    {% for grouping in variant_image_groupings %}
      {% assign file_group = grouping.file_grouping.value %}
      {% assign variant_group = grouping.variants.value %}
      {% for file in file_group %}
        {% if featured_media == file %}
          {% assign variant_grouping_name = %}
          {% break %}
        {% endif %}
      {% endfor %}
      {% if variant_grouping_name != nil %}
        {% break %}
      {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
  {% else %}
    {%- assign variant_grouping_name = nil -%}
    {% if section.settings.group_variants_source == "filename" %}
      {%- assign extracted_parts = featured_media.src | split: section.settings.variant_grouping_delimiter -%}
    {% elsif section.settings.group_variants_source == "alttext" %}
      {%- assign extracted_parts = featured_media.alt | split: section.settings.variant_grouping_delimiter -%}
    {% endif %}
    {%- assign variant_grouping_name = extracted_parts[variant_grouping_position] -%}
    {%- assign selected_or_first_available_variant_grouping_name = variant_grouping_name -%}
  {% endif %}
{% endif %} 

Paste the following code for the remaining variant images

{% if section.settings.group_variants_enable and product.has_only_default_variant != true and product.metafields.custom.disable_image_grouping.value != true %} 
  {% if section.settings.group_variants_source == "metafield" %}       
    {%- assign variant_grouping_name = nil -%}
    {% assign hide_image = true %}
    {% for grouping in variant_image_groupings %}
      {% assign file_group = grouping.file_grouping.value %}
      {% assign variant_group = grouping.variants.value %}
      {% for file in file_group %}
        {% if media == file %}
          {% assign variant_grouping_name = %}
          {% for variant_in_group in variant_group %}
            {% if == %}
              {% assign hide_image = false %}
              {% break %}
            {% endif %}
          {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}
        {% if hide_image == false %}
          {% break %}
        {% endif %}
      {% endfor %}
      {% if hide_image == false %}
        {% break %}
      {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
  {% else %}
    {%- assign variant_grouping_name = nil -%}
    {% if section.settings.group_variants_source == "filename" %}
      {%- assign extracted_parts  = media.src | split: section.settings.variant_grouping_delimiter -%}
    {% elsif section.settings.group_variants_source == "alttext" %}
      {%- assign extracted_parts = media.alt | split: section.settings.variant_grouping_delimiter -%}
    {% endif %}
    {%- assign hide_image = true -%}
    {%- assign variant_grouping_name = extracted_parts[variant_grouping_position] -%}
    {% if selected_or_first_available_variant_grouping_name == variant_grouping_name %}
      {%- assign hide_image = false -%}
    {%- endif -%}
  {% endif %} 
{% endif %} 

Add additional class and attributes to the <li> elements

Add class hide_image (only for looped <li> element)

{% if hide_image %} hide-image{% endif %}

Add data-variant-grouping attribute to the <li> elements

data-variant-grouping="{{ variant_grouping_name }}"

Add variant image grouping filter logic to product-media-modal.liquid

Add variable assignment near top of the file

{% assign variant_grouping_position = section.settings.variant_grouping_position | minus: 1 %}
{% assign variant_image_groupings = product.metafields.custom.variant_images_grouping_list.value %}
{% assign featured_media = product.selected_or_first_available_variant.featured_media %}
{% assign hide_image = false %}

Paste the following code for the featured variant image

{% if section.settings.group_variants_enable and product.has_only_default_variant != true and product.metafields.custom.disable_image_grouping.value != true %}   
  {% if section.settings.group_variants_source == "metafield" %}     
    {%- assign variant_grouping_name = nil -%}
    {% for grouping in variant_image_groupings %}
      {% assign file_group = grouping.file_grouping.value %}
      {% assign variant_group = grouping.variants.value %}
      {% for file in file_group %}
        {% if featured_media == file %}
          {% assign variant_grouping_name = %}
          {% break %}
        {% endif %}
      {% endfor %}
      {% if variant_grouping_name != nil %}
        {% break %}
      {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
  {% else %}
    {%- assign variant_grouping_name = nil -%}
    {% if section.settings.group_variants_source == "filename" %}
      {%- assign extracted_parts = featured_media.src | split: section.settings.variant_grouping_delimiter -%}
    {% elsif section.settings.group_variants_source == "alttext" %}
      {%- assign extracted_parts = featured_media.alt | split: section.settings.variant_grouping_delimiter -%}
    {% endif %}
    {%- assign variant_grouping_name = extracted_parts[variant_grouping_position] -%}
    {%- assign selected_or_first_available_variant_grouping_name = variant_grouping_name -%}
  {% endif %}
{% endif %} 

Paste the following code for the remaining variant images

{% if section.settings.group_variants_enable and product.has_only_default_variant != true and product.metafields.custom.disable_image_grouping.value != true %} 
  {% if section.settings.group_variants_source == "metafield" %}       
    {%- assign variant_grouping_name = nil -%}
    {% assign hide_image = true %}
    {% for grouping in variant_image_groupings %}
      {% assign file_group = grouping.file_grouping.value %}
      {% assign variant_group = grouping.variants.value %}
      {% for file in file_group %}
        {% if media == file %}
          {% assign variant_grouping_name = %}
          {% for variant_in_group in variant_group %}
            {% if == %}
              {% assign hide_image = false %}
              {% break %}
            {% endif %}
          {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}
        {% if hide_image == false %}
          {% break %}
        {% endif %}
      {% endfor %}
      {% if hide_image == false %}
        {% break %}
      {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
  {% else %}
    {%- assign variant_grouping_name = nil -%}
    {% if section.settings.group_variants_source == "filename" %}
      {%- assign extracted_parts  = media.src | split: section.settings.variant_grouping_delimiter -%}
    {% elsif section.settings.group_variants_source == "alttext" %}
      {%- assign extracted_parts = media.alt | split: section.settings.variant_grouping_delimiter -%}
    {% endif %}
    {%- assign hide_image = true -%}
    {%- assign variant_grouping_name = extracted_parts[variant_grouping_position] -%}
    {% if selected_or_first_available_variant_grouping_name == variant_grouping_name %}
      {%- assign hide_image = false -%}
    {%- endif -%}
  {% endif %} 
{% endif %} 

Add parameters hide_image and variant_grouping_name to the product-media.liquid render

render 'product-media', media: media, loop: section.settings.enable_video_looping, variant_image: variant_image, hide_image: hide_image, variant_grouping_name: variant_grouping_name

Add classes and attributes to product-media.liquid

Add classes to the <img> element

product-modal-image{% if hide_image %} hide-image{% endif %}

Add data-variant-grouping attribute to the <img> element

data-variant-grouping="{{ variant_grouping_name }}"

Add variant image grouping logic to global.js

Create new method updateMediaGrouping()

updateMediaGrouping(mediaGallery) {
  if (!mediaGallery) {
  const mediaGalleryId =;
  const groupVariants = mediaGallery.getAttribute('data-group-variants');
  const hasOnlyDefaultVariant = mediaGallery.getAttribute('data-has-only-default-variant');
  const disableImageGrouping = mediaGallery.getAttribute('data-disable-image-grouping');
  if (groupVariants == 'false' || hasOnlyDefaultVariant === 'true' || disableImageGrouping === 'true') {
  const selectedVariantId =;
  const featuredMedia = document.querySelector('');
  const featuredVariantGrouping = featuredMedia ? featuredMedia.getAttribute('data-variant-grouping') : null;

  document.querySelectorAll(`#${mediaGalleryId} .product__media-item, #${mediaGalleryId} .thumbnail-list__item, .product-media-modal__content .product-modal-image`).forEach((mediaItem) => {
  const mediaVariantGrouping = mediaItem.getAttribute('data-variant-grouping');
    if (mediaVariantGrouping !== featuredVariantGrouping || mediaVariantGrouping === '') {
    } else {

Update the updateMedia method to call updateMediaGrouping()

(added curly brackets and line this.updateMediaGrouping(mediaGallery);

    mediaGalleries.forEach((mediaGallery) => {
      mediaGallery.setActiveMedia(`${this.dataset.section}-${}`, true)             

Assign Product Metafields (if using Metafield option)

  • Create Metaobject definition: Variant Images Grouping
    • name: single line text
      • Regular Expression: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$ (pattern to match - alphanumeric with - and _)
    • variants: list of variants
    • File Grouping: list of files
  • Create Product Metafield Definition
    • Name: Variant Images Grouping List
    • List of Metaobjects: Variant Images Grouping
  • Create metaobject entries of type Variant Images Grouping for each variant grouping
    • Create identifier
    • Select product variants in scope
    • Select media files to group together
  • Add the Variant Images Grouping relevant to your product
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